I lead an AI applied research and engineering organization at Meta Reality Labs responsible for developing multimodal AI technologies, generative AI as well as on-device LLM and vision-language models. This involves working with a large cross functional team of AI research scientist, SW engineers and product managers to enable the AI use cases in our products. Our work cuts across the full ML stack - algorithms, model architecture, model optimization and deployment. My research interests include all aspects of building Efficient AI models.

I received a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 2004. I have held the positions of Visiting Scholar (2011 – 2014) and Visiting Faculty (2016 – 2017) at Stanford University. I have authored 125+ research publications and am an inventor on 50+ US and international patents (granted and pending). I received the ACM-SIGDA Technical Leadership Award in 2009 and was invited to the 2017 National Academy of Engineering’s Frontiers of Engineering Symposium. I am a senior member of IEEE.

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